Callbacks and Listeners

This part describes available callbacks that you can use to subscribe to certain events that can be necessary for your project


  • Location update
  • Tracking started
  • Tracking stopped
  • Speed threshold violation
  • New events
  • High-frequency events
  • Collision (High-frequency events)

Setting up

High-frequency events

In iOS/Android, you can directly receive data about recorded events in a single format with the server.
The description of the classes is contained in the public class DTEventPoint on iOS, and Android in data class Event

TypeStringA string field indicating which type of Event came.type of events
- Cornering,
- Acceleration,
- Braking,
- Accident
timeStartdoubleevent start time
durationdoubleevent duration
pureDurationdoubleduration of critical accelerations during the event
reliabilitydoubleabout the reliability of the event only for Accidents.
prevEventSpeeddoubleprevious speed values ​​before the start of event detection
accelerationDirectdoubleacceleration in the direction of travel at the start of the event
accelerationLateraldoublelateral vertical acceleration at the start of the event
accelerationVerticaldoublevertical acceleration at the start of the event
accelerationDirectEnddoubleacceleration in the direction of travel at the end of the event
accelerationLateralEnddoublelateral vertical acceleration at the end of the event
accelerationVerticalEnddoublevertical acceleration at the end of the event
startPointGEO POINTstart point
endPointGEO POINTend point
rangeDirectQuantiledirect acceleration distribution data for the entire event time in quantile format
rangeLateralQuantilelateral acceleration distribution data for the entire event time in quantile format
rangeVerticalQuantilevertical acceleration distribution data for the entire event time in quantile format
accuracyQuantilegps accuracy distribution data for the entire event time in quantile format
speedQuantilegps speed acceleration distribution data for the entire event time in quantile format
accidentTriggerstringIf the event is an accident, then which trigger for the accident worked
theIdstringEvent UUID

quantile format - contains the maximum and minimum values ​​for the period being changed, the median, as well as the 95% and 5% quantiles.