SDK for iOS Changelog

Version 6.0.0 Release date 20.08.2023 How to update SDK iOS

Version 6.0.0 Release date 20.08.2023

:wrench: Migrated to XCFramework (allows to build for Simulator on any platform)

Version 5.17 Release date 19.06.2023

:tada: Update for iOS16 and Xcode 14
:battery: Optimization of power consumption reduced battery consumption bt 30%
:wrench: Updating the ELM module and working with Bluetooth
:tada: Added the ability to enable/disable the collection of a high-frequency buffer when detecting an accident.
:wrench: Fixed library crashes.
:wrench: Optimizing memory usage
:bulb: Updating the Permissions Wizard

Version 5.16 Release date 31.03.2022

:tada: Changed the behavior of the permission wizard.

Version 5.15 Release date 09.03.2022

:tada: Schedule mode update
:bulb: Improving work with ELM and the start tracking by ELM detected
:bulb: Tracking start update (new operation with regions and start by movement type)
:bulb: Improving the stability of work
:warning: Raised the minimum version to Swift 5

Version 5.14 Release date 01.02.2022

:bulb: Fixed bugs
:tada: Improved data upload
:tada: Improved work stability

Version 5.13 Release date 25.11.2021

:tada: Added new Background Tasks
:warning: Action required from the integrator see link.

:bulb: Improved track upload.
:bulb: Improved scheduler update.
:bulb: Improved track detection.
:battery: Improved energy saving.
:bangbang: Version for Xcode 13
:warning: Don't support Xcode 12

Version 5.12.1 Release date 02.12.2021

:bangbang: Last version for Xcode 12
:tada: Improved data upload through mobile data transfer
:tada: Improved data upload in app sleep time.
:warning: Don't support Xcode 13

:pencil2: In order to update to a specific version, you need to write in the PodFile:
pod 'RaxelPulse', '5.12.1'

Version 5.12 Release date 25.11.2021

:tada: Added new Background Tasks
:warning: Action required from the integrator see link.

:bulb: Improved track upload.
:bulb: Improved scheduler update.
:bulb: Improved track detection.
:battery: Improved energy saving.
:warning: Don't support Xcode 13

Version 5.11 Release date 26.10.2021

:tada: Added heartbeat storage for offline.
:tada: Added accidents with events and buffers.
:bulb: Improved track upload.
:bulb: Improved offline scheduler and tracking work.
:bulb: Improved elm connection/disconnection.
:battery: Improved energy saving.

Version 5.10 Release date 11.08.2021

:tada: Improved tracking quality with motion types.
:bulb: Improved scheduler updater and checker.
:wrench: Fixed elm disappear and connection logic.
:bulb: Improved track uploading

Version 5.9.17 Release date 31.05.2021

:bulb: background optimisation for iOS 14.5.1 and later

Version 5.9.10 Release date 18.03.2021

:tada: added track restoration

Version 5.9.5 Release date 11.02.2021

:bulb: driving events like acceleration, breaking and etc in trip time by delegate

Version 5.9.4 Release date 05.02.2021

:bulb: tags for trip with offline mode

Version 5.9.3 Release date 22.01.2021

:tada: tags for trip

Version 5.9.2 Release date 20.01.2021

:tada: added new upload for tracks

Version 5.9.0 Release date 22.12.2020

:tada: Aggressive heartbeats mode
:bulb: Improvements of quality for start and stop tracking
:bulb: More energy effective and energy safe

Version 5.8.0 Release date 15.11.2020

:tada: iOS 14 support
:bulb: Best quality for start and stop tracking
:tada: Wrong Accuracy and low battery mode delegates

Version 5.7.0 Release date 13.11.2020

:tada: Added update location delegate.

Version 5.6.0 Release date 30.06.2020

:tada: Added isAllRequiredPermissionsGranted property.
:tada: Added high frequency functionality for event detection.
:tada: Added ELM functionality for work with OBD devices in your cars.

Version 5.5.13 Release date 01.06.2020

:wrench: Fix for more stability

Version 5.5.12 Release date 12.05.2020

:tada: RPRegionDelegate
(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager )manager didExitRegion:(CLRegion )region;
[RPEntry instance].regionDelegate

Version 5.5.11 Release date 06.04.2020

:wrench: Hot Fix for short tracks.

Version 5.5.10 Release date 06.04.2020

:tada: Added new methods to get statistics with TAGs

Version 5.5.9 Release date 23.03.2020

:tada: Added isTracking. Equal isActive for tracking state.
:tada: Added RPTrackingStateListenerDelegate and method (void)trackingStateChanged:(Boolean)state;
This delegate method called all times when SDK start or stop tracking.
:tada: Added New methods for get Statistics.
getDrivingDetailsStatistics, getSpeedDetailStatistics, getMileageDetailsStatistics, getPhoneDetailStatistics
:tada: TAGs for trips and methods to get, add, remove these tags.
:wrench: FixBug causing a long interval for the end of the trip. (manifested at the end of the trip in the car and did not start walking part)

Version 5.5.8 Release date 27.02.2020

:tada: Start Reasons
:tada: Start and stop trip detection improvement

Version 5.5.7 Release date 19.02.2020

:tada: Tag trips

Version 5.5.6 release date 14.02.2020

:bulb: Upload Manager - Significant improvement of upload tracks algorithm
:wrench: Permission wizard fixes
:wrench: Bug fixes

Version 5.5.4 release date 20.09.2019 for Xcode 10.3 and before + Version 5.5.5 release date 20.09.2019 for Xcode 11.0 and later

:tada: Added Wizard for iOS 13 (View-based wizard for permissions legend and how it works in iOS 13).
New mechanics of giving permissions for iOS 13.

Version 5.5.3 release date 15.08.2019

:tada: More detailed ratings, added:
"RatingCornering": 0..5,
"RatingAcceleration": 0..5,
"RatingBraking": 0..5,
"RatingSpeeding": 0..5,
"RatingPhoneUsage": 0..5,
"RatingTimeOfDay": 0..5,
:bulb: Increased accuracy and added detecting of stop reason.
:tada: Added delegate method for alert about speed overage 100 km\h